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FAAC 844 ER Pinion for Rack - Z20

FAAC 844 ER Pinion for Rack - Z20

List Price (Members Only)

Product Code: 719167

Allows FAAC 844 ER Operator to Operate at the Following Specifications:
  • Traction and thrust force: 198 lbf (880 N)
  • Gate max weight 2200 lb (998 Kg)
  • Gate speed 0.78 ft/second (0.24 m/second)
  • Gate max length 164 ft (40 m)
Allows FAAC 844 ER Operator to Operate at the Following Specifications:
  • Traction and thrust force: 198 lbf (880 N)
  • Gate max weight 2200 lb (998 Kg)
  • Gate speed 0.78 ft/second (0.24 m/second)
  • Gate max length 164 ft (40 m)

Accessories for this product...
FAAC 844 ER Galvanised rack plus fittings.

List Price (Members Only)

FAAC 844 ER Galvanised rack plus fittings.