myQ Community app Gives residents the ability to manage property access from their smartphone. Residents can safely identify guests and confidently grant/deny access from anywhere. Residents can "press to unlock"any authorized door/gate for themselves or visitors. Virtual guest / delivery passes can easily be sent for one-time or recurring use.
Integrated camera 1350 wide angle camera provides a view of access points through a live feed or recorded event through the myQ Community web platform Receive alerts and HD video recordings when an access event is triggered Night vision functionality for greater image quality in high and low light environments Climate performance includes extreme climate operating range of -40F to 122F
Customized system control Simply add and delete tenants from the myQ Community dashboard whenever someone moves in and out; easily programmable Saves time and money of having to re-program or re-key hardware systems or issue physical keys or cards with every move Configurable email notifications alert you when a suspended code is used, tell you when codes are overused or if service is needed for the Smart Video Intercom or Smart Controller
Engineering and diagnostic capabilities Fade resistant, high-definition color touch display Advanced self-diagnostics reduce downtime by troubleshooting and identifying when service is needed UL 294 listed for commercial settings
Cloud-based security Two factor authentication protects and safeguards resident data Easily connects to myQ Community so you can manage your properties remotely without having to be physically present Meets California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) requirements
