Clutch release on 3 ton impact makes the Super Arm the first true commercial actuator.
The Super Arm 2300 by Maximum Controls is the first true commercial actuator available on the market. What makes an actuator “commercial” you may ask? We think the following criteria has to be met:
+ If a gate is struck by a vehicle while in motion the actuator should not break.
+ The actuator must run on 230 VAC or 115 VAC.
+ SAMS or PAMS sequencing must be compatible.
+ The actuator must move a heavy gate in extreme conditions.
+ True RPM ramp up and ramp down must be employed.
+ Continuous duty cycle is imperative.
+ A professional control board is a must.
+ An industry standard 10 pin loop rack for easy access and safety.
+ Separate external loop detector inputs for complex scenarios.
+ Emergency reversal sensitivity selectable on open and close cycles.
+ The actuator must supply a gate in motion strobe output.
+ Work with a range of monitored safety devices.
The Super Arm 2300 has all of these features and more.
